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Anchor 0
My Eyes, Their Eyes

Anchor 1

My first stop in my late night journey is my room. I try to keep myself clean and organized in some sorts due to my mothers strictness back at home, that I think I've adapted. If my parents were to see my room, they at least appreciate that it isn't messy.
My Room
Anchor 2

After I leave my dorm, the first thing I see is the many buildings around me that occupy many different type of people with all types of ambitions and dreams to achieve through college. It's nice to view at night due to the lights you can see coming through the rooms and how a lot of them are still on at late hours.
Dorm Entrance
Anchor 3

One of my favorites spots to go through during the day is the duck pond. Seeing the duck just exist and be at peace with each other is nice to see. I like that there is a sense of family even in these animals that just roam around, not knowing there is many college students living on their own for the first time.
Duck Pond
Anchor 4

When going to many of the locations around campus, I go through the tunnel full of spray paintings. I love going through and seeing all the new images of art and messages that other students create. It's a reminder to be creative when you can and be able to express yourself fully, which my parents advocate for. For this night journey, I found a simple message stating "donut".
Spray Paint Underground
Anchor 5

Lips Statue
One of my favorite statues around campus is this lip statue. I don't know specifically what captivates me towards the statue, but I find the juxtaposition of the wacky statue being around serious locations with learning to be funny. It's a reminder to look at the funny things in life, even if sometimes life can be hard. It's something my parents often do during tough moments in life
Anchor 6

A favorite spot of mine to try to get work done or look through books as I've been getting into reading more as a hobby. It's also very close to classes I have and is a good place for me to reset before other classes. I remember my mother taking me to our local library a lot due to my interest of reading as a kid, and I've been trying to rekindle my joke for it again.
The Library
Anchor 7

This is where I go to ride and travel to many places around Boone. I don't drive a car and use the buses and find it more relaxing to use it than driving around. I like to sit on the bus and look at the view while listening to music, as it reminds me of the many times riding with family during road trips.
Anchor 8

When looking around Boone for the first time, these stairs caught my eye immediately. I don't know how else to describe it, besides colorful, but it is something that I admire for how much time it must have took and the care that went through the process. I was walking around when noticing it and had to stop and appreciate it. It's something from my parents I'd carry to this day where I stop and take in what's around me.
Rainbow Stairs
Anchor 9

Jimmy John is a small store that I go to when It is late night and need food. The sandwiches are nice and sub sandwiches are one of my favorite types of food that I'd order with my family. Furthermore, the theater is where I like to go to see movies and relax during a semester of work. My parents remind me to relax sometimes in order to fully be 100% for obstacles in life.
Jimmy Johns / App Theater
Anchor 10

As my late night journey ends, I notice the bright moon in the sky walking towards Sanford Mall. It is brighter than ever and is the only thing that accompanies me tonight. It is one of the many things to appreciate in life and a nice view to end this journey.
The Moon at Sanford Mall
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